Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time to tidy up for Autumn

With the temperatures dipping below 40 at night, it's a hint that it's time to start tidying up for Autumn... and then the invariable 300 feet of winter snow!

Start with your potting shed. Remove any liquids that could freeze as the temps drop below 32 F. Transfer fertilizers from cardboard containers to plastic to prevent humidity damage and deterioration.

Plant those last bulbs for Spring blooming! Group at least 3 bulbs for maximum show effect. Consider hyacinths, crocus, tulips, and daffodils. You'll be happy you did when the last of the snow melts next Spring!

Clean your tools before hanging them up for the winter. Scrape off any excess mud or debris. Using a wire brush where necessary. Then wash with water and dry thoroughly.

If there's any rust on your tools, gently use steel wool. Don't forget your work gloves in this process!!!

Sharpen your tools that have a sharp edge with a file made especially for sharpening tools. Hold the tool steady against a solid object, such as a tool bench, and draw the file repeatedly across the edge at a 45-degree angle.

Sand wooden handles to remove any rough or splintery portions with sandpaper.

Spray metal parts with a penetrating lubricating oil or dip in your recycled oil to protect them from rust.

Store in a dry spot! And get out the seed catalogs to start dreaming of next year!