Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 Reasons to Send Flowers

5 reasons to send flowers… Just because…  I love you…     I care…    It’s Thursday…    Your cat purrs …. The sun it shining…  You love me…

Flowers put a smile on your face…. Flowers make the receiver feel special, loved, considered, thought of, appreciated, adored, and worth your time. Who wouldn’t smile when they received flowers from you?

Flowers are like butter…with no calories! Women are just funny creatures… they like to be buttered up…Women love to be spoiled… treated like a queen…and to receive love through flowers! However, once women are butter… they melt!

Flowers talk. Sometimes it’s hard to express your feelings or you’re too far away to let others know how you feel. A bouquet of flowers can express what you cannot and also shorten the distance while separated.

Flowers show support. Sometimes a friends just needs a little reminder that you’ll be an open ear or a shoulder to cry on during the rough times. It’s also a good way to say that you’ll be there through the thick and thin.

Random Acts of Flowers are a great way to show kindness whether its for the neighbor, the teenage babysitter, a volunteer or stranger. It’s twice as nice when it’s random because it’ll make you feel nice too!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make someone’s day! Send Flowers!