Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome. The term "Dianthus" can be approximately translated to "flower of love" or "flower of the gods."
Each color of carnation has a meaning:
Light red carnations can signal admiration between lovers or those who mutually respect one another.
Dark red carnations convey deep love, passion and affection.
White carnations traditionally convey a pure love between lovers, family, or friends. They are also symbolic of innocence, faithfulness, gratitude and good luck.
Pink carnations usually represent motherly or sisterly love.
Purple carnations express unpredictability, spontaneity and capriciousness, power, luxury, and spiritual fulfillment. They are often used for ceremonial arrangements.
Yellow carnations reflect rejection, disdain or disappointment. They are not often paired with other colors.
Green carnations represent health, resilience, good fortune and youth,"
Solid colored carnations imply an affirmative response.
Striped carnations convey regret or refusal of an offer. They are often paired with a “loving” carnation as a kinder way of declining a lover’s affection.
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